A wedding in Naples is always a big challenge, especially for who like us is not used to a different wedding style.
To saying it with song lyrics:
nu matrimoni napulitan nun po capi mai chi e nat a milan
(a wedding in Naples, you can’t understand is if you’re from Milan)
Naples, the city of weddings,
Naples, the city where the nowdays wedding photography was born, with the Mater Oreste Pipolo,
Naples, city of thousand of photographs,
Naples, the city where I got married,
Naples, the city where we started this wedding season.
When the Spring comes out and our cameras get up again, we have a bit of emotion, a bit of insecurity I felt in my first weddings. Then, little by little, when you start to take pictures again frequently, the tension fades away and only the creativity stays. The movements we did lot of times come back, and also the capacity to be with your own team. Everything becomes harmonised.
At Collephoto, we like to prepare the season like the teams that compete in the championship: during the pause, we test new things and try new ideas. This years – who follows us already knows it – we introduced the drone service. This was the first wedding in which this kind of shot was used. To fly ur SAPR was Fabrizio Pacini from FlyCiak, a company specialized in this kind of operations.
Accepting a wedding in Naples is surely an exciting challenge, the first of a serie of services in Europe and in the USA – I’m going to tell you abut these other services in the next posts.
But let’s talk about our couple, Simona and Marco.
Marco is an Army Officer and Simona is a famous make-up artist and one of the most followed youtuber in Naples.