Same Sex Wedding at Costa dei Barbari | COLLE Photography
Same sex wedding costa dei barbari viareggio

Same Sex Wedding at Costa dei Barbari

Same Sex Wedding – Costa dei Barbari


The Law 76 of the 20th of May 2016 (Legge Cirinnà), declares the same sex marriage in Italy.

A measure that allows to equalize Italy to the other European Country and to finally give a validation to lot of people’s love.

The adventure to take pictures at a same sex wedding is surely an interesting photographic challenge. This, as I said lot of times, becomes involved in that long time work the wedding photographer: narrating the epoques’ and generations’ changes.

In a Country like Italy, where the photographic culture is very limited, the proof of a change in our traditions is often by lot of unknown wedding photographers.

I decided to publish Sergio and Fabrizio story to testify our support for these civil rights.

Few days ago, a photos of another rainbow wedding I published on Facebook got attacked and criticised on the social. A person permitted to say some orribile things to express her disagreement against this kind of union.

Fortunately, the Facebook community demonstrated a very open mentality and disapproved this racist thought.

Sergio and Fabrizio celebrated their wedding at Costa dei Barbari, with a wedding on the beach.

They waited for the sunset to let the council member Giacomo Bugliani to proclaim their union.

Then, they partied in the Costa dei Barbari restaurant with their friends and relatives, and got crazy with the DJ Filippo Galassini‘s music.