06 Feb Marco and Carlo – Same Sex Wedding
Marco & Carlo – Same-sex marriage
The Cirinnà law fill a very important gap in the Italian set of rules. Thanks to this measure, from this year same-sex marriages are possible in Italy too.
In this service, we talk abut Marco and Carlo wedding, a couple of guys who chose the Baglio della Luna to celebrate their wedding.
We followed this couple during their path which brought them from the preparation of the ceremony to the fateful “yes”. This allowed us to discover two gentle souls and the attention that Marco has for every detail.
To narrate their story, we decided to choose a reportage style, to let their emotions to come out.
For this reason, I decided to follow by myself the preparation and to let Massimo to go directly on the location.
Marco and Carlo, two worlds that integrate each others: one from Campania with a lovely family with him, and the indipendence of the other, with the sweet memory of his parents in the heart.
The heart of this service is surely the ceremony, the number of people who speak with the microphone to express their love, but first of all Marco’s eyes, so emotional and vulnerable, with some tears.
For this service, we decided to take the post-ceremony photos in the small town of Filetto, in Lunigiana.
The wedding staging are by the Wedding Planner Glenda Marradi.
The video is by Damiano Mariotti from our studio.
And now, I’d like to write a few personal words about this service.
I received, after I published a photo of this service on Facebook, some strong critics with omophobic references.
So, at those people I’d like to say that I’m PROUD to show a same-sex marriage on my site; and please, note that I never used the “civil” word, but I said this is a “wedding”.
I’m also proud that Italy finally got a law that allows all the kinds of love between people.
My job is to narrate the changing society and this step is surely a milestone of an important hystorical change.