Honeymoon in Venice | COLLE Photography




Italy has been one of the most desired destinations for tourists so far.

For this reason, our couple decided to realize here their Honeymoon service.

What’s an Honeymoon Service?

It’s a photograhic service, typical of the Eastern tradition, in which the couple takes pictures in a famous location with their wedding dresses.

In this case, the bride and the groom went beyond, celebrating a small symbolic ritual with the exchange of the rings and telling their promises in front of… a Bulgari salesgirl.

Often, the couple does their Honeymoon service before the wedding, so it’s not that one we usually call “honeymoon”, but a kind of travel before leaving for a long-last life travel together.

In this service, we started to take pictures at first light in the morning, to find the city completely desert. We already took pictures for a service ad the sunrise and you can find it by clicking here.

Venice has a particular atmosphere at the sunrise, it’s not a business city yet, with tourists who transform it in a sort of Disneyland.

Its alleys look like they were in 1700, when in these calle the Dandolo and the Casanova went.

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Honeymoon a Venezia 2 56

This service’s locations tell some of the most classical scenaries of the lagoon city, from Ponte dei Sospiri to San Giorgio.

The most important part of our shoot is taken inside the great frame of Hotel Danieli. This hotel rooms are realized inside the Dandolo Palace, a palace which is from the Medioevo. All the fornitures are the original ones.

The photographies are realized using both the natural anche the flash light. They are taken during all the day.

Equipment: Nikon D750 and Nikon D810, lenses Nikon 14/24, Nikon 70/200 and Nikon 50mm f/1,4

Thanks to Massimo Santi and Damiano Mariotti for the collaboration.

Make-up and tecniqual assistence: Vasmoo Wang.